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Saint Georges Powder magazine

Hauts-de-France region, 17th century

"historical monuments" training course

6th - 18th july 2025

 The Saint-Georges powder magazine is part of the Vauban citadel of Lille. It is in an pentagonal shape, made of bricks and stones. It was built in the 17th century and corresponds to classic easthetic standards. 

Listed "Historical Monument" in 2012

Conservation, stabilisation and restoration of the Powder magazine

Masonry work, repointing, consolidation and securisation of the vaults and façades

Stone dressing and laying

Making of technical elements of bricks (cross vaults, barrel vaults)

Preparational work for future interventions on the Bastion of Anjou

Accomodation in a youth hostel


109 rue Saint-André

59000 Lille

Lille Flandres or Lille Europe train station

public transports

Time of arrival : Sunday 6th in the afternoon

M. Étienne Poncelet, chief architect of historical monuments, a stone mason from the association

180 euros full-board + 30 euros annual subscription

18 years old minimum 

You have to come from a NATO country

You must enrol for the whole stay​

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