Commanderie de Coudrie

Mur de clôture de l'ancienne commanderie templière

Commanderie templière de Coudrie : mur de clôture restauré en 2024

Commanderie de Coudrie
♜ Founded in the late 1120s by the Knights Templar, the Commanderie Templière de Coudrie quickly became an important agricultural and religious site. When the order was disolved it was recovered by the Knights Hospitaller, who continued its development, before the latter was stopped by the religious civil wars and then the conflicts born from the Revolution. It was then sold and passed on to various individuals, farmers, until its purchase by the municipality of Challans in 1993.

This building was declared a Historical Monument by decree in 1995 (chapel and land parcel).

Conservation and restoration of the chapel and the fence-wall
Restauration of the building's stonework: removal of plaster, removal and resumption of masonry case by case, repointing.
Indoor accommodations
MFR/CFA Val de Lognes
7 rue du Bocage
44650 LEGE
SNCF railway station of Challans
Where a vehicle of the association will pick up the participants
Time of arrival : sunday 6th of july, during the afternoon
Two technicians from the association
295 euros of full pension + 30 euros in annual cotisation
Open to individuals over the age of 16
Registration for one week minimum