Mur de soutènement de l'Abbaye Notre-Dame du Bec

Stage d'initiation aux techniques traditionnelles de taille de pierre

Abbaye Notre-Dame du Bec, Le Bec-Hellouin, Normandie : pose des pierres du muret taillées par les stagiaires

Mur de soutènement de l'Abbaye Notre-Dame du Bec
♜ Founded in 1034, Notre-Dame du Bec Abbey very quickly becomes an important place for benedictine influence. After the 1789 French Revolution it is abandoned in ruins, then the abbey is used as a military place. A new monastic order comes back in 1948 and has been there since.

Listed "Historical Monument" in 2008

Introduction to stone cutting and laying
Measurement and working drawing
You will work on the buttresses of the belfry of the abbey
Accomodation in a bed and breakfast
Brionne train station
A vehicle from the association will pick up the participants
Time arrival : Sunday 13th of april
A stone mason from the association
180 euros full-board accomodation + 30 euros annual subscription