restauration d'un escalier

♜Salvation's Islands are componed of three islands : Royale, Saint Joseph, Devil's Island. They are lcoated off the coast of Kourou. The French prison authorities establish one the hardest penal colony in the world in 1854 on those islands. The current owner of the place, the National Centre for Space Studies (CNES), started restoring, preserving and valuing this painful but major historical heritage a few years ago.

Listed "Historical Monument" in 2012

Restoration of diverse buildings : retaining walls, stairs, openings
Plants removal, masonry cleaning
Masonry work, stone work
NB : This worksite concerns Guyanese people only
This worksite is supported by the CNES, the Guyana office for Cultural Business (DAC)
and the Foundation for Heritage (Fondation du Patrimoine)